2016 Road trip, SanDiego to Prudhou Bay, Alaska, seven weeks, 11k miles...

Week 1, May 29-June 4 & Preramble

Week 2, June 5 - 11

Week 3, June 12-18

Week 4,June 19-25

Week 5,June 26-July 2

Week 6 - July 3 - 9

Week 7, July 10 - July 14 & post trip

Looking for Something...

Can't find what you are looking for, email us and if we don't have it, I'm sure we can point you in the right direction.

Week 6 - July 3 - 9

34 - July 3rd - Hanging with Cousin Doug!

Today is a no-bike-em day.  Hanging with Doug is a blast, I don't think I've ever spent this much time with him, so great to hear amazing stories of the family.  We are up and running and head to the Boeing Museum of Flight for the day.  Concord, old planes, new planes and great history, make for a fun day.  After we stop by Stevens theater to say hello and grab the starter.  Great to see him and he looks great for sure.  For all that he has going on, I'm amazed on how good he looks and sounds, great kid and very proud of him.  Starter in hand, we head back to Doug's.  He takes of to pickup Nicole and Susan at the airport while I work on the starter.  Starter looks good seems good, but has trouble fitting.  I take it back off and back on a few times to finally get it to fit.  All seems to go back togeather well enough and at last, I'm able to start the bike, Startup is good and repeatable, so all good news.  I'm feeling better that it wasn't a relay at this point, something I had been worried about.  All things back together, and cleaned up, make for the end of a great day. 

I enjoy going on motorcycle trips and stopping in small towns and enjoying drinks with the locals. George Clooney

35 - July 4 - Happy Fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July everyone!

Up early, we give Nicole and Susan ride back to the airport.  So good to see them, and Nicole has grown so much.  Back to the house, we get ready for a hike to PooPoo point, a place that gliders start off from.  We get lapped a few times by runners, but everyone is out for a walk, hike or run.  At the top, Doug makes some coffee and we sit and chat as the clouds clear in patches.  Back down and to Dougs, I get a call, that Steven is finished with work and back home.  I get my gear together and thank Cousin Doug for his great hospitality.  It is good to be back on the road, even as short of a ride and I'm at Steven and Alaura's.  So good to see their apartment and cats.  Hugs all the way around and before we know it, we are off to see Heidi and the girls for fourth of July.  A fun evening, culminating with a ride on the boat to watch the fireworks.  But the best part of the night, is meeting Heidi's friend Cheryl and Mike.  Cheryl is a thyroid cancer survivor from twelve years back.  Having had two surgeries, one for the thyroid and then a second to remove a number of glands on the side of her face.  Listening to her talk to Steven, I can see many worries dissolve from him about his surgery for the next day, something on everyone's mind.    We head back to Steven and Alaura's, grateful for a great evening, such wonderful people and our minds on what tomorrow will bring.  

36 - July 5 - Thyroid cancer surgery

Today is a day like no other, having thought as a family we where done with major medical, Steven contacted us a few months back about a lump on his throat.  Fast forward, it turns out to be thyroid cancer.  (http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/thyroid-cancer/basics/symptoms/con-20043551).  Not what we had hoped for, but in a positive light, it was caught early enough that it most likely has not spread, nor is it on the nasty sides of cancers that are out there.   Today is a thyroidectomy, or removal of his thyroid and underlying lymph nodes as well.  Last night talking with Heidi's friend Cheryl has helped out a lot, but we are still nervous.  Up early, we get ready, "Steven, you get your toothbrush?" I ask about three or so times, "Yes", says Steven and Alaura.  Maybe I'm more nervous then they are?  We arrive early to the hospital and check in, a nice place and people are positive and friendly.  Each step along the corridor brings him a step closer to surgery, someting we all dread, but know it is a life saving surgery.  Check in, wait, get to pre-admit and wait, pre-surgery, hospital gown and cleaning, then wait.  Now we meet the doctors, anesthesiologist and nurses doing the surgery, all a great team of people.   They work to put us at ease as they ask the same questions over and over. "When was your last meal, when did you last drink, any illnesses, etc, etc"... You know the drill.  Then Steven gets wheeled off and Alaura and I go to wait at recovery.  We rush to recovery, thinking deep down, the faster we get to recover waiting room, the faster he will be done.  It is a four to five hour surgery, it won't be quick, nor do we want them to rush this.  So we eat some, walk some and talk a ton, and in a nice way I get to know Alaura and see how much she cares for Steven.  I can see why he really likes her and I can say I'm happy for the two of them and the lives they have.  Suddenly four and half hours later, the doctor comes out and and tells Alaura that all went well with surgery, and it went as expected.  I'm having a slice of cake and coffee, so miss this, but get a note from Alaura that all is going well.  We continue to wait and finally he is out of recovery into a small room, its only seven pm, an hour before visiting is over.  Steven looks good and after eight pm, I get up to leave, Alaura will stay and keep and eye on him.  Nice having a private nurse keep watch.  I'm in the car and numb from a long day, it eats at your bones watching from the outside, wishing I could do more, give up my thyroid, avoid having surgery, and remove the thought of any pain, or discomfort, but he is in a better place with this surgery.  I leave the hospital and forget to lock it into my GPS, hmm, I'll worry about that one later.  A quick stop of walmart for supplies, coffee, juices, yogurts and other simple foods, then home to pet the cats, shower, phone calls and sleep.  Tomorrow we will learn more on how things went that night.

Stay safe, and be healthy. - jc


37 - July 6 post surgery - leaving the hospital

I get a note that he may be checked out by 9am, wow that was quick, or do they really need his bed.  Arriving at the hospital, (I put into his gps the previous route, lucky me) and find his room.  I meet Alaura's mother who is also a nurse, who just got off a 12 hour shift with a cardiac kid.  Nice lady and happy to meet her, I see a lot of Alaura in her.  Steven has had a  good night, eating ice chips, and behaving.  I think he tossed his cookies once after surgery, but felt better afterwards.  I get in and they are eating breakfast and drinking tea.  We meet with the nurses and by 11 we have escaped from the hospital with a packet of instructions and several prescriptions to be filled.  Homeward, we stop to get these filled, then safeway for some food and home. Arriving the cats are, well cats and ambivalent about the humans, we put things away, then it is nap time for one and all, even the cats nap.  Good to be home, Steven is felling good and keeping up with his pain management as well as lots of fluids.  We take it easy and into the evening watch a couple of fun movies, suddenly it is midnight and we all hit the hay.

- jc

38 - July 7 - a day in Washington

Today we get up late, as we where up pretty late.  Coffee, dressed, and out the door for Redhook brewery tour.  Nothing says recovery from surgery like a beer tour.  It is really a ton of fun, lots of free beer and a fun tour guide named Chris.  We see how things happen and they keep pouring beer, making for a fun tour.  Steven gave me a mini brew kit last year and I've had fun doing a brew, in it.  I'm looking forward now to returning home to do more of this human chemistry experimentation and the tasty treats it can make.  We eat and drink some more, and now to full we go for a walk.  It was some years ago, that across the street, Janet and I toured the winery of Saint Michelle's.  Wow, seems like yesterday and a thousand years ago at the same time.  I think to myself, that I wish she was here, as she is so much better at this parenting stuff then I am.  Back to the abode via a Costco stop, we all take a nap then order pizza for dinner and watch a star wars movie till very late.  Uncle Jeff calls to see how Steven is doing, so good to catch up with him.  Tomorrow I'm back on the road, with less then a week of the road trip left.  Before sleeping I look at the routes I want to take and how much time I will need.  Will I have time to see a few friends along the way, or is it full throttle heading south.  I remember I need to call the shipping company to schedule a drop off a day early as my flight is early on the 14th.   out on the 8th, Astoria, 9th will be south of Astoria, 10 fort bragg, 11 Nubees' 12th half way to San Diego and 13 drop off of bike.  Ubber to a hotel Janet has arranged and then home sweet home. 

Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!


39 - July 8 353 miles Steven and Alaura's to Oregon Dune National Recreation Area

July 8th, 353 miles, Steven and Alauras to Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area

Up and at em, breakfast, of coffee and pastries, enjoying my last roof over my head for a little while, oh and a nice soft bed, and plumbing, yes, I miss plumbing, did I mention no bears, just a couple of wild cats that like to be petted and played with. Last night was late, oh and pizza and cold beer, those are nice as well. But my perpetual clock gets me up early. I hope my 5am, with 3 hours offset I'll get up at 8am, oh, wrong direction, this means when I get home I'll be up at 2am. Bummers, I'll be waking Janet when I get home, "eh, you awake, psssst, ehhh... hehehehe". Ride was nice, and I left around 9am, beating most of the traffic. Rained, while the wetest its been on the trip, I don't mind and pull over to put on boot covers. With the visor down, I'm happy I gave my helmet a bath, as it was really hauna. Covers off, and into the wash, helmet in sink, with hair shampoo, cleaned, and dry, it really smells much better with the rain on the outside. Nice drive and goes very quickly considering I've put in 353 miles today. I did stop for a mexican coffee/chocolate and a health bar, as well as tons of gas. Astoria bidge was a trip, I'm not big on heights, and wait, more stop traffic, at the top of the giant, bouncing windy brindge. I'm no longer able to drive to the front of the cars, and wait with the engine off, puckering up evertime the bridge bounced, pretty much anytime a truck or semi went past us on the bridge. I give up trying to look at how high we are above the water and the not so exciting bridge shaking and wait for the traffic to change for our direction. Finally, and I'm so excited to get off the bridge, I don't stop after as planned, but kept going. The next few bridges are pretty easy compared to that puppy. Now I'm on the 101 headed south along the coast. Surf is big and the mist is out on the roads. Wishing I could take pictures, I plow on and get to my campsite. I can hear the wonderful sounds of the ocean, relentlessly pounding the sand dunes. Bugs are now at a minimum, and campsites have water. Civilization must be at hand. I think I've only a couple days of camping left. Fort Bragg is camping, and then I'll be at Nubee's, then I'm not sure if I'll ship my gear home via the mail, or carry it, I may just stay at a motel along the way from her place to San Diego. I've not decided if I can stay two days, get up early on the 13, really early and head to San Diego. I just heard from Janet that I passed by Albert and Lorna in Lincoln City, I went through a few hours back, and being a few hours, I don't think I'm up for doubling back, but it would have been fun to see them. I still have about 450 miles to fort Bragg, so I will be able to break that up into a couple days to get there, that makes life easier and makes for more picture taking. Bonus, just found a chocolate almond fudge cliff bar hiding, dessert is mine!

I shall do battle with the little chipmunks it looks like tonight, wish me the best, as they are circling. They can't take my cliff bar from me, that is for sure...


40 - July 9 - 200 miles, Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area - Trinidad (Tissots)

I arrive in the afternoon at Trinidad, California, home of Humboldt Marine lab and meet up with Brian Tissot a long time friend who is now director of the Humboldt Marine lab.  Amazing guy, and knowing him, he will do good things for the lab.  He has recently comeback from a conference for surfers where he presented on the ocean and how important it is.  We eat lunch with Allie, Susan and himself and then Brian and I tour the lab.  What a place with such potential, from a sea water pump system to active tanks, community outreach and on a summer Saturday, students are about working on projects.  We talk about research going on and some of the modern day issues regarding our precious oceans.   Acidification, resource depletion, human impact all tie into issues now and how they might grow into larger problems in the future.  After lunch and tour, nap time for all.  I fear I'm snoring a bit as I'm pretty tired and relaxed.  That night we watch Allie's recent fun road trip across more states then days.  Camping, brake issues, animals, and all sorts of fun things along the way.  She is a talented video producer and we watch a few more videos of diving and Hawaii as well.  Good fun, but I'm on the road tomorrow, so bed time as it is late.

ttfn - jc







About John Coney

Born on the Island of Oahu, I started out with a keen intereste in computers and electronics. A native of Hawaii, I focus on the islands, but have a background in underwater potography.

Places in Hawaii to Visit

Volcano National Park

Kilauea Ldoge

Pacific Tsunami Museum in Hilo

Kona Diving Company


Links to Places

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